Wozu sind Kriege da? 150x 200cm

Eclectic dreamcatcher 140 x 100cm

Summer of love SOLD

Turn on, tune in, drop out 65x50cm

Blackbird 100 x 100cm

Lucy in the sky with diamonds 100 x 100cm

The something box 80 x 80cm

Contemplating about the arrival of Magic Alex

90 x 120cm

Protection of the demimonde 80 x 80cm

Diva 140x 100cm

Juggling Josie 140 x 100cm

The sound of my busy life 140 x 100cm

Playing safe 80 x 80cm

Francis 140 x 100cm

Riding Richard 140 x 100cm

Wonderland 60 x 90cm

Katzen verboten 80 x 80cm

Focussing on the yellow shoe 140 x 100cm

Thank you 200 x 150cm

Karambolage 140 x 100cm

Two hearts 80 x 80cm

Pendulum of perception 140 x 100cm

Same same, but different 140 x 100cm

You and I 120 x 100cm

Three Lives -Barron 50 x 40cm

Three Lives - Marina 50 x 40cm